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Advanced English Grammar Course - Course Creator's Insights

Course creator: Ms. Purva Patankar

Dev Dad: Hi Purva! How is the Advanced Course different from the Basic Course?

Purva: The Advanced Course includes additional topics that are more suitable for older children.

Dev Dad: What topics are we talking about?

Purva: Topics such as Transitive and Intransitive Verbs, Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, among others.

Dev Dad: Will you also be covering basic topics in this course?

Purva: Yes, we will be revisiting and reinforcing the basic concepts as well.

Dev Dad: What exactly is the objective of this course?

Purva: The objective is to ensure that students perform well in their exams. You can expect up to 30 marks worth of questions on these topics in any board's question paper.

Dev Dad: Understood! Thanks a lot!


देव पिताजी: नमस्ते पूर्वा! एडवांस्ड कोर्स बेसिक कोर्स से कैसे अलग है?

पूर्वा: एडवांस्ड कोर्स में अतिरिक्त विषय शामिल हैं जो थोड़े बड़े बच्चों के लिए अधिक उपयुक्त हैं।

देव पिताजी: कौन-कौन से विषय हैं?

पूर्वा: ट्रांजिटिव और इंट्रांजिटिव क्रियाएँ, एक्टिव और पैसिव वॉइस, डायरेक्ट और इंडायरेक्ट स्पीच आदि जैसे विषय।

देव पिताजी: क्या आप इस कोर्स में बेसिक विषय भी कवर करेंगे?

पूर्वा: हां, हम बेसिक अवधारणाओं की भी पुनरावृत्ति और सुदृढ़ीकरण करेंगे।

देव पिताजी: इस कोर्स का उद्देश्य क्या है?

पूर्वा: उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि छात्र अपने परीक्षा में अच्छा प्रदर्शन करें। किसी भी बोर्ड की प्रश्नपत्र में इन विषयों पर लगभग 30 अंकों के प्रश्न आने की संभावना है।

देव पिताजी: समझ गया! बहुत धन्यवाद!

समाप्त |

About Purva:

Purva has a strong passion for language learning and teaching and is highly dedicated to this cause.

She is currently pursuing her Doctoral Research in Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai. Her research topic is "Expressions of Modality in Marathi." Additionally, she teaches a 4-credit course in Pragmatics to the students of Masters in Linguistics.

Alongside her research and teaching responsibilities, Purva teaches English (Business, Conversational, or Proficiency tests-based) to Japanese natives living in India. She has completed 4 out of 5 levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).

Papers Presented:

  1. In November 2022, she presented a paper at the International Conference of Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI) in Orissa, Bhubaneswar, on the topic "A Pragmatic Analysis of ‘Indian-ness’ reflected in Advertisements."

  2. In October 2023, she presented a paper at the South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-37) in Venice, Italy, on the topic "The Role of Subject-Case in Expressing Modality in Marathi."

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